OneCall Coverage Maps
Over 800 field stocking locations in 160 countries and counting...
Technical Support
Customer Satisfaction
Field Stocking Locations
With nearly instant access to the major US cities that power today's industry, OneCall has you protected in North America.
- 262 FSLs in in the United States
- 48 most populous US cities have a FSL within 20 miles of city limits
- 46 locations in Canada
- 8 locations in Mexico
Use the interactive map above to explore FSLs in North America and learn how OneCall can be your go-to hybrid maintenance provider.
Click here to view our depot network status.
OneCall is the leader in protecting your critical infrastructure across EMEA.
- FSLs in 42 countries throughout Europe
- FSLs in 27 of the Top 39 most populous cities in Europe
- 141 locations across 33 countries in the Middle East and Africa
Use the interactive map above to explore FSLs in EMEA and learn how OneCall can be your go-to hybrid maintenance provider.
OneCall is the foremost authority in safeguarding your essential infrastructure throughout APAC.
- 270 locations across 21 countries
- FSL in 88 of the Top 200 mos populous cities in APAC
- Up to 1-hour coverage in Japan
- Up to 2-hour coverage in China and Austalia
- Up to 4-hour coverage in Vietnam
Use the interactive map above to explore FSLs in the Asia Pacific region and learn how OneCall can be your go-to hybrid maintenance provider.
OneCall has you covered in Latin America! We offer:
- 48 locations across 17 countries
- FSLs in 22 of the Top 40 most populous cities in South America
Use the interactive map above to explore FSLs in Latin America and learn how OneCall can be your go-to hybrid maintenance provider.
Our Global Sparing Network
Managing global networks often means you can't be on-site for every incident.
Enterprise network professionals worldwide rely on OneCall for trusted, round-the-clock maintenance of their equipment, with a focus on sustainability and extending the IT lifecycle.
Explore our global network coverage, boasting 800+ field stocking locations across 160+ countries. Whether you're renewing or exploring options, OneCall supports a circular economy by offering field engineering support with rapid project execution to ensuring sustainable and efficient IT management globally.
More From OneCall
OneCall Solutions
Learn more about optimized hybrid maintenance solutions from OneCall.
Check out the free portal to organize your entire estate. Learn more here.
Organize My Estate List
We'll evaluate your entire estate so you can uncover OpEx waste and invest in CapEx.