Manage IT Assets With Ease with OneHub
Enterprise IT Asset Management
With OneHub, it's easy to manage your IT infrastructure at scale and across multiple locations around the globe. While logged into OneHub, easily assign assets to a particular location from either the "Assets" or the "Locations" tabs.
What's even better? You can also keep track of your sparing information - whether you have coverage from an OEM, third-party maintainer or you have strategically placed on-site spares in your data centers.
Need a Single Source of Truth?
If you're like most OneHub users, you are fighting a seemingly uphill battle to keep your asset and maintenance data together, much less updated... And just when you think everything is as it should be, your colleague updates a different spreadsheet version with new information, creating confusion among your team
With OneHub you don't have to worry about who has the contact information for the maintenance provider or the new serial of the recently replaced switch. Instead, create a single source of truth for your entire team to rely on every time.
Pristine Asset Data
- Unlimited team accounts for free
- Track changes, asset deployments & replacements
- Manage assets across all of your cost centers
- Keep track of your TAC escalations, regardless of the provider
- Gone are the days of wondering what went where, keep track of all your IT asset data with OneHub
OneCall + OneHub: Better Together
For OneHub users using OneCall to protect their most critical IT infrastructure from the unexpected, IT asset management is even easier. OneHub automatically keeps track of not only their asset data but spare data too -- down to the serial number...
What's more, whether your replacement gear is on-site in your data or in one of OneCall's 300+ global field stocking locations (FSLs), you can access relevant spare data before it even arrives; serial numbers, configuration data, disk images - it's all there for you in OneHub.
Stop playing the guessing game and change the way you protect your networks today.
About OneHub
OneHub is the IT asset and maintenance contract management solution for enterprise. Whether you're running a small shop at a single location or have IT assets deployed all over the globe - depend on the only tool that allows you to create a single source of truth for your data centers Start using OneHub today.
Average assets per account
OneHub clients love OneHub
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“We've been long-time customers of OneCall for our asset maintenance but since we started using OneHub we've seemingly found more time in the day to be network professionals! It's crazy that it used to take almost a whole week to create deployment reports and now we can do it with the click of a button.”
Jarrod T.
Senior Engineer, Fortune 100 Company